Monday, September 14, 2015

Does spelling count?

           In the authors point of view spelling does very much count. It is one of the most important techniques you will need growing up. They teach you how to spell at a young age so that you can be experienced enough to when you become older. Knowing how to spell will make you very successful in education and life wise. Spelling is one of the first things they teach you starting school. They teach you spelling first because you need to know how to spell for all subjects such as math, science, history, reading, etc.
            Knowing proper spelling can help you communicate better with the people around you. Spelling can make you sound more sophisticating. If you want to become a writer spelling is the number one thing you have to be good at. With bad spelling people wont be able to understand you and you would need people to understand you in a everyday life. You will have good spelling technique with a lot of practice and learning at a young age.
            Having proper grammar is as important as anything else. Without spelling people wouldn't be able to communicate through via text message or emails. As the author says how would the kids be able to comprehend the books other people write without proper spelling and grammar. Spelling builds up to other subjects such as adding and other subjects. It can be hard to spell at a young age but its better to learn young because you will have more practice to for sure know it once your'e older. Spelling will forever be important.

            Giselle Rios
            Period 5-6

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